26 January 2003

This morning was a classic example of everything I love about living in Boulder. I got up early to run in Mapleton Hill w/ Hawk, then met Amy Wicker, Fried and a couple other ladies for a Hike n' Brunch for Amy and Baby Wicker. We hiked an easy loop at Chataqua and it is beautiful, warm, sunshine for days, perfect Boulder Sunday. I think knowing that I am leaving makes me appreciate the mountains, endless sunshine and comfort of Boulder. I'm still so excited for this change, even as I sort of mourn leaving this amazing place. I think I'd be bored if I stayed - too much sun, too many smiling, 3% body fat, fit people, no diversity. But I will miss hiking and trail running with friends, feeling small under the flatirons, eating great burritos, the farmer's market, a myriad of things. This has turned into an Ode To Boulder. :-D


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