09 April 2003

Today I saw a new weather icon: the sunny, rainy, snowy symbol. Yeah, don’t see that at home much! However, sunny, rainy, snowy pretty much describes the weather right now. Monday a.m. I woke to see a coat of fresh snow on the ground. It was pretty til the afternoon, when it turned slushy. Dan, fellow PCT, and I joke that we have one word for all the engineers here: drainage. It’s quite a gauntlet avoiding car-eating muddy potholes and the walls o’ water that the marshrutkas produce when ploughing through them.

It might sound like I’m complaining or despondent, mais non, mon ami. I find cheer in the small chickadees that hop around, sometimes providing the only color in the gray landscape, the yellow and green on their chests. I look forward to seeing my favorite street dog on his corner as I walk from class to the internet café each day. I also find humor where it comes and these days that is in many places. I’m warm and fed and thank god I have headphones and tons of music. Life is good.

Helena keeps telling me that once April 15 hits, the weather will change and it will really be spring. We’ll see. I also remember that in CO, one can’t count on consistent weather til June.

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